Tools – SetupBuilder

OK! So you spend all day developing, tweaking a software solution for a customer. Then you find out the actual Windows environment that they are running under… This happened to me recently..

Client wanted/needed a change… In fact, they were having problems with .TPS file on a normally reliable network. They are based about 3000 miles away!

After several TPS repair sessions, emails , phone calls, system utilities… I convinced them to pay for an upgrade from TPS to MS-SQL.

I spoke to their on-site manager and he gave me a “Users” perspective of their network.

Turns out, he left a few things out!

What was originally advised as a basic small office MS Workgroup network eventually was disclosed as a well organised LAN driven from a Microsoft Small Business Server.

How had the manager not passed this small detail on to me?

Well, he is not a TECH guy. He hires a TECH guy and the TECH guy has some good stuff.

I did not even know about their TECH guy ( another contractor ) as time is money!

So, I advised my client to have me switch the great system they had from TPS file to MS-SQLServer Express. Seems they passed my recommendation on to their hidden TECH guy, and he was all in favor.

I got the go-ahead to do the conversion as quoted.

We installed the SQL database system from an install I sent them, then the converted data, then the program modules.

Everything went as clockwork! This was because I was using the great SetupBuilder program from Lindersoft. Then they started to ask for a few more changes, and some features… i.e. Scheduled Backup!

So, I eventually learned that they were in fact not running on the simple Workgroup network I had been targeting, but on a well managed Windows Server based system.

I even managed to get the phone numbers for their TECH guy. Great!

Now, in hind site, I learn that all the things I could have done right, were done right. This is in fact mainly attributable to me having and using the “Setup Builder” system from Lindersoft.

Setup Builder is an awesome tool when distributing software. I give a rating of 10/10.

That is my “Tools” story for today. Maybe next time I will tell you about Treepad.


Posted in Programming.